Band Room

When you enter the band room, you hear a blue/jazz band playing. There is three men play assorted instruments; while a woman sung about... Well something in a language you didn't understand. The music, however, wasn't the same as in the Tea Room. This music didn't exude class. This music was an upbeat down-tone jazz. The age of the people in here was surprisingly young.

When you sat on one of the benches, it creaked. The wooden benches were surprisingly comfortable. It made you smile a little. You took out your phone, and caught a short video of the band. They didn't appear when you searched the name plastered on the walls. The posters were torn and a little faded. As if they were made a few years ago. You notice people with drinks in hand. It seems to be a brand of beer or larger. Though you weren't offered one; despite paying the £20 per hour double premeium ticket.

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